SMS Integration
Adopt a Smooth Bulk SMS integration module to easily send alerts and reminders.
VIDYA developed an SMS alert system for schools of sending information like Enquiry, Registration, Fees, Transport, and Attendance. Through the SMS module, you can convey vital information & details to related administrative authorities of the school, parents, and students the moment it is necessary and often at short notice. Customization of messages can be done as per requirement.SMS features help school management in effective communication and building relationship with parents and staff members. Find out more about SMS Intigration.

Features of SMS Integration
- Pre-defined message template availble for each kind of message,
- Apply your SMS Content Templates on DLT platform for each kind of SMS that you are sending.
- You can safely send sms on unquie ID so we keep information highly secured.
- The template is pre-defined, but you can change certain aspects like the date, name of the student, time, among others.
- Simply Top-up for more messages as when you need.
- Bond between School management and parents more stronger and transparent.