Payment Gatway

Being, instantaneous, safe and convenient, user can swiftly moving to digital option.

Parents can enable payment for their annual fees, admission fees, hostel fees, transport fees – in fact any fees or payments that have to be made to the school can be made through the payment gateway that offers numerous benefits to your schools and the parents. Using payment gateways in school management software for your institution, you can ensure the cashflow availability far better than how it was earlier using demand drafts and cheques. The payment gateway integration can be enabled for transactions in student fee collection. Find out more about Payment Gatway.

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VSS Payement Gatway

Features of Payment Gatway

  • Configured Razorpay Account after that generate API Key and Key Secret to does payement safer.
  • The admin will be get automated and detailed reports regarding fee transactions.
  • Admin will be able to view the fees collected for a specific period, class or any other category at a single dashboard.
  • Eliminates this risk but also ensures the instant transfer of fees and speeds up the entire process, making funds accessible to school faster.
  • Payment gateways use encryption to protect sensitive data with unquie API key details
  • Integrated payment gateways to automatically receive payments online & update student payment profile.
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